Senin, 24 Mei 2010

Inseminasi Buatan



(The Aplication of Sexed Sperm on Ongole Grades Cow)


Using centrifugation techniques with Albumin Column as separating media and egg-yolk-Tris aminomethane as diluter, the sperm which had been separated their chromosomes was insemintated to 40 of PO female that owned by farmer at Wonorejo and Nguling, Pasuruan district. Twenty head were inseminated by straw which collected from lower fraction and another 20 were inseminated by straw from upper fraction. The method of semen disposition at female reproductive organ were divided into (1) 3-4 position (uterine), and (2) 4 + (cornua uterine). The parameters recorded were: sperm quality (volume, pH, progressive mass, individual motile, concentration, live/death percentage and abnormality), biological response of cow (Non- return rate/NRR 40-60 days, service per conception and conception rate, CR), cost analysis of sexed sperm in strat, and farmer response. As of 11 times of semen collection, the volume of fresh semen was 5,56 ± 1,43 ml/eyakulat; pH 6,9 ± 0,20; mass progressive 3+; individual motile 71,36 ± 16,45%; sperm concentration 1651,27 ± 813,43 million/ml; live-persentage 79,42 ± 17,76%; death-sperm 12,27 ± 12,88 % and abnormality 7,47 ± 5,87%. The sexed sperm motility which had had cooled at 5o C as long as 6 days in upper and lower were 45 and 35%, respectively. According to Average test, the NRR of 4+ position showed higher than those of 3-4 position either upper fraction (60 vs. 30%) or lower fraction (70 vs 50%). Meanwhile, the CR resulting from 4 + position (upper fraction) was higher than those of 3-4 positions as of 50 vs. 30%. Likewise in lower fraction, the CR (50%) of 4+ positon was higher than those on 3-4 position (30%). The budget of 50 sexed

straws (based on 100 ml of Tris) was Rp. 390.500 or Rp 7.810/straw. Farmer response on sexed sperm by AI was good enough in which reflected in highly expecting on male.

Key Words: Artificial Insemination, Straw of Sexed Sperm, PO Cattle


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengaplikasikan semen hasil sexing pada sapi peranakan Ongole (PO). Menggunakan teknik sentrifugasi dengan medium pemisah gradien Albumin Column dan pengencer Tris aminomethane kuning telur, spermatozoa yang telah dipisahkan kromosomnya di-inseminasikan pada 40 ekor sapi PO betina milik peternak yang tersebar di Kecamatan Wonorejo dan Nguling Kabupaten Pasuruan. Sebanyak 20 ekor diinseminasi dengan straw yang berasal fraksi bawah dan 20 ekor lainnya dari fraksi atas; metode disposisi semen dalam organ reproduksi betina dibedakan atas (1) posisi 3-4 (uteri), dan (2) posisi 4 + (cornua uteri). Parameter yang diamati meliputi: kualitas spermatozoa (volume, pH, gerak massa progresif, motil individu, konsentrasi, persentase hidup/mati dan abnormalitas), respon biologik sapi akseptor (Non- return rate/NRR 40-60 hari dan conception rate, CR), analisis biaya pembuatan straw hasil sexing, dan respon peternak. Hasil 11 kali koleksi semen didapatkan rataan volume semen segar 5,56 ± 1,43 ml/eyakulat; pH 6,9 ± 0,20; gerak massa 3 +; motil individu 71,36 ± 16,45%; konsentrasi spermatozoa 1651,27 ± 813,43 juta/ml; persentase hidup 79,42 ± 17,76; spermatozoa mati 12,27 ± 12,88% dan abnormal 7,47 ± 5,87%. Motilitas spematozoa straw hasil sexing yang didinginkan pada 5o C sampai 6 hari menunjukkan pada fraksi atas dan bawah masing-masing sebesar 45 dan 35%. Berdasarkan uji beda rata-rata dinyatakan bahwa NRR pada posisi 4+ tampak lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan posisi 3-4, baik pada fraksi atas (60 vs. 30%) maupun fraksi bawah (70 vs.50). Sementara itu, CR hasil disposisi semen pada posisi 4 + (fraksi atas) tampak lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan posisi 3-4, yakni 50 vs. 30%. Demikian halnya pada fraksi bawah, CR (50%) pada posisi 4+ lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan posisi 3-4 (30%). Hasil analisis perhitungan biaya pembuatan 50 straw hasil sexing (berdasarkan 100 ml pengencer Tris) adalah sebesar + Rp.390.500 atau Rp 7.810/straw. Respon peternak terhadap aplikasi IB hasil sexing cukup baik; ditunjukkan tingginya minat

terhadap pedet berkelamin jantan.

Kata Kunci: Inseminasi Buatan, Straw Hasil Sexing, Sapi PO

Fertilisasi in vitro pada Domba

Korelasi antara Oosit Domba yang Dikoleksi dari Rumah Pemotongan Hewan dengan Tingkat Fertilitasnya

setelah Fertilisasi in vitro


The objective of this research was to know the correlation of sheep oocytes collected from slaughter house and the fertility oocytes after in vitro fertilization. Data resulted from this research were quantity of oocytes collected from slaughter house and quantity of fertilized oocytes after in vitro fertilization. Data was analized, and resulted that coefficient correlation ( r ) was 0,4959. Conclusion of this research was positive correlation between oocytes collected and oocytes fertilized.

Key words : oocytes, in vitro fertilization, coefficient correlation


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara oosit domba yang dikoleksi dari RumahPemotongan Hewan dengan tingkat fertilitasnya setelah dilakukan fertilisasi in vitro. Data yang diperoleh adalah jumlah oosit hasil koleksi dan jumlah oosit hasil fertilisasi. Data kemudian dianalisis sehingga diperoleh koefisien korelasi ( r ) sebesar 0,4959. Angka koefisien korelasi ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi positif antara jumlah oosit hasil koleksi dari rumah pemotongan hewan dengan jumlah oosit hasil fertilisasi.

Kata kunci : oosit, fertlisasi in vitro, koefisien korelasi

Perkembangan Folikel Dan Viabilitas Oosit Domba Pascatransplantasi Ovarium Domba Intrauterin Pada Kelinci Bunting Semu

( The Development Of Follicles Oocytes Viability From Ewe Ovarium Post-Intrauterine Transplantation To Pseudopregnant Rabbit )


The objective of this study was to evaluate the development of ewe follicles and oocytes viability following an intrauterine transplantation of the ovaries into pseudopregnant rabbit. The experiment was conducted in day 1 of pseudopregnant rabbit. Following transplantation for 5, 7, and 9 days, the ovaries were recollected. The development of follicles determined by counting the number of follicles in paraffin embedded ovaries after staining with haematoxylin-eosin (HE). The viability of oocytes was determined by slicing the ovaries. Oocytes were incubated in CO2 incubator with 5% CO2,38°C for 24 hours. After maturation, the oocytes were stained with 2% aceto-orcein to determine the nuclear oocytes status. The result showed that follicles were detected in all stages of their development (primordial, primary, preantral, and antral follicle stages), but their number decreased significantly (P<0.05) 5, 7 or 9 days after transplantation, except for those at primordial stage which at day 5 post-transplantation (634.7±56.88) were not significantly different to the control (683.7±61.55). After maturation, the oocytes that were able to reach the M-II phase at day 5 and day 7 post-transplantation were 35.05% and 35.24% respectively. They were significantly (P<0.05)>

Key word: ovarium, follicles, oocytes, viability, post-intrauterine transplantation